Monday, October 20, 2008

Long Silence

It's been a while since I've posted. Life as we know it got in the way and I drifted away from the computer. I decided tonight to catch up. It's been 4 months and nothing much has been happening. My job is going well. I'm still enjoying what I do after 29 long years. The new library is so busy and big until I've lost weight walking from one end to the other every day. Seriously, it is 55,000 sq ft. Twice as big as the old library! Check me out in my new skinny jeans (ha). I started at the library when Jason was 4 months old and he turned 30 on October 6th. I can't believe that he is 30! God has been good to our family. It seems that it was just the other day I worried about how I would raise this bouncing baby boy on my own. With God's help and lot's of family support, here we are. Jason with a family of his own. I am so proud of them. It's almost time for the new baby in our family to arrive. Fred and Alonda should have baby Pierce Lauren Sullivan before Thanksgiving. Pray that all goes well with them as they give birth to another "Pierce" another decendant of Smith and Elizabeth and Edna Pierce. They are all rejoicing in Heaven. Be Well and remember to Rock the Vote.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes in deed...they are all rejoicing! I bet baby girl Pierce will look just like Edna! GOD has been good to us and through it all... he still looks after us. However, I think Stine is giving out orders up there :)

Keep us up to date Sandra...I love and appreciate you and all that you do to keep us together as a family...the mightly Pierce Family!
