Tuesday, October 28, 2008

News Article and Election Talk

By now I hope you have all gotten a chance to read the news article about voting rights and the exhibit at the library. I have gotten so much positive feed back from family and friends. We have had a few kooks come into or call the library to complain about the the article and the exhibit saying it casts a bad light on Republicans. People are really getting stupid in this country. It's a shame when you can't have an opinion anymore. Anyway, Angie and I spent the weekend together and she is coming back for the big election night coverage next week. It's been a long campaign but I am ready for it to be over. Please pray for our candidate, for his safety and to win this election. God knows we need a change, right here, right now! I took one of my friends from "Louisiana avenue" to vote on Saturday. She has never voted in her life and she is "50" years old. Just think how many more of us are out there missing a chance to have a voice in what goes on in this country. I hope all of you are voting or have already voted. Florida declared a state of emergency on this election and have changed early voting hours for the remainder of the week from 7 am to 7 pm. Millions of people have already voted. Pray that Florida gets it right this time. If you are able to "FAST" please do so on Monday before the election even if it's for one meal. We have to have change. This is a photo that I took overlooking the Bay outside of our old library of a November sunset! Be Blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl, that is the best thing you could have done for that 50 year old. It must be a good feeling! I will fast and tell everyone I know who are belivers to do the same! I know that prayer changes things!!! I told you already and I am proud to say it again...I love that video and article! You were awesome! I pray the right people see and read it so they will know how good you are at your job, public speaking and a person in general. We will move forward...GOD says so!

MissKitty Holla